Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Linux and basic cmds.

Linus Benedict Torvalds is the creator and, historically, the principal developer of the Linux kernel, which is the kernel for GNU/Linux operating systems.

Many of us think that Linux is an OS but the fact is that it is not, Linux is a kernel which is essential part of computer .Linux Distributions such as ubuntu, centos ,kali Linux are OS which are based on Linux Kernel .Now we are clear with what is Linux and another thing we should know is about GUI and CLI. Many times we have heard GUI but what actually is GUI. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface .And CLI stands for Cmd Line Interface. In GUI we Use our mouse to do a particular task. And in CLI instead of  mouse we use cmds to do that task. Windows OS uses GUI as it is easy to operate. And Linux is a Command Line Os where we have to write cmds to perform a particular task.

  • Basic Linux Commands : 

  1. uname : to get the name of distro that you are using.
  2. touch : to create new file. eg touch "file name".
  3. mkdir : to create new directory. eg mkdir  "dic name".
  4. rm : to delete a file.
  5. rmdir :to delete a directory
  6. ls : to list the files/directories present the a directory.
  7. cd : to change the directory .eg cd home/kali/Desktop.
  8. pwd : print the present working directory.
  9. clear : clear the screen.
  10. history : print the history
  11. ifconfig : print the ip address of the machine.
  12. cp : copy a file.eg cp "file name".
  13. mv : move a file or directory eg mv "location where to move".
  14. grep : search for string of characters.
  15. less : display content of a file. 
  16. cat : to read a file.
  17. cat > : read + write.
  18. vim : text editor
  19. nano : text editor in kali.
  20. chmod : to change or edit the permission of a file.
  21. echo : to print the input given by you. eg echo Im best.
  22. su : switch user.
  23. adduser : to add a new user.
  24. sudo : to get root privileges.
  25. -apt -get update && apt -get upgrade : to update/upgrade the system.
  26. man : to get manual of a file/directory/application. eg man ls.
  27. exit : to exit the terminal.
  28. shutdown : shutdowns the machine.
  29. reboot : Reboots the system
  30. logout : logout the present user.


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